Completion of the building for slag solidification

Execution of civil works for the completion of the process building.

Commissioned: Cemex Sogin
Opera: Completion of the building for slag solidification
Category: Various
Year: 2019
Place: Saluggia (VC)

In a specific context related to the nuclear sector, SEMAT has acquired and executed the reinforced concrete (R.C.) works for the completion of the building necessary for the process of solidifying radioactive waste.

The work was distinguished by a different management of the control and execution process, as it was set within a framework regulated by unique procedures and systems, which are not typical for reinforced concrete works.

Geolocation Work

SEMAT S.P.A. Civil Construction & Industrial Services

Via Fornaci 45/47, 25040 Artogne (BS)
Tel.: +39 0364 598881
Fax: +39 0364 598882