Modernization of the Alessandro Volta hydroelectric power plant in Castel Madama

Revamping of the Alessandro Volta hydroelectric power plant in Castel Madama (Rome) San Cosimato dam - Contract for the replacement of the bottom and flood sluice-gates.

Opera: Alessandro Volta Hydroelectric Power Plant
Category: Energy
Year: 2015-2016
Place: Castel Madama (RM)

Semat and ATB Riva Calzoni joined forces for the upgrading of the Acea Hydroelectric Power Plant in Castelmadama, near Tivoli, Rome. The plant, in operation since 1915 and built at the time with hydromechanical components supplied by ATB (which in 1997 also replaced the Unit 1 penstock), is fed by the Aniene river.

The revamping project was part of a broader program of interventions aimed at consolidating the dam body and restoring the tunnels. This overhaul was aimed at improving the power plant's performance, efficiency and reliability.

As the general contractor and winner of the Acea tender contract, Voith Italia subcontracted all hydro-mechanical interventions and civil works to the temporary association of companies consisting of ATB Riva Calzoni and Semat.

The revamping included the replacement of the inlet head gates of units 1 and 2 as well as the unit 2 penstock (diameter 2.8 m), and the demolition and reconstruction of the foundations of the generation units 1 and 2.

ATB Riva Calzoni also supplied the sluice gates for the turbine discharge channels and carried out the civil works for the overhaul of the discharge tanks.

Geolocation Work

SEMAT S.P.A. Civil Construction & Industrial Services

Via Fornaci 45/47, 25040 Artogne (BS)
Tel.: +39 0364 598881
Fax: +39 0364 598882