Construction of broadband infrastructure

Public infrastructure works for the provision of broadband services in rural areas in the Emilia Romagna region affected by the digital divide.

Commissioned: Lepida SPA
Opera: Infrastructure For Broadband Services
Year: 2013-2015
Place: Emilia Romagna

The €6 million contract included the execution of all work and the provision of all supplies necessary for the installation of five sections of the fiber-optic network providing broadband and ultra broadband connectivity to the most significant mountain urban areas in the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Forlì and Cesena for a total of 16 sections.

The work involved the laying of 252 Km of fiber optic cables, 146 Km of which was underground along roads and 106 Km was overhead on Telecom Spa utility poles

Geolocation Work

SEMAT S.P.A. Civil Construction & Industrial Services

Via Fornaci 45/47, 25040 Artogne (BS)
Tel.: +39 0364 598881
Fax: +39 0364 598882