Civil works for new chairlifts Temù (Bs)

Civil works for the construction of the new Temù (Bs) chairlifts.

Opera: Civil works for new chairlifts
Category: Transport
Year: 2005-2006
Place: Temù (BS)

Structural and ancillary works in reinforced concrete and other materials for the construction of the "Temù - Roccolo Ventura" chairlift loading station and for the construction of the new detachable quad chairlift called "La Croce - Santa Giulia" in the Municipality of Temù (Bs).

Geolocation Work

SEMAT S.P.A. Civil Construction & Industrial Services

Via Fornaci 45/47, 25040 Artogne (BS)
Tel.: +39 0364 598881
Fax: +39 0364 598882