Construction of the pipe mill changing rooms/entrance area - ILVA Taranto

Construction of changing rooms at ILVA Taranto

Commissioned: ILVA SPA
Opera: Construction changing rooms/entrance
Category: Various
Year: 1999 / 2008
Place: Taranto (TA)

The work involved the construction of five buildings for large changing rooms able to accommodate the hundreds of workers at the ILVA Taranto steel mill. This was yet another important project that Ilva entrusted to Semat. The company reorganization plan provided for the redistribution of the changing rooms throughout the steel works by means of the construction of five new structures, three large ones with seven floors and two smaller ones, spread out along the entire perimeter of the steel plant, with the objective of optimizing access by the workforce.

Semat developed the final and detailed design, and then carried out the excavation and demolition operations to prepare the area, the construction of the components in reinforced concrete, and all the finishing works. The first building was turned over in 1999, the last in 2008.

Geolocation Work

SEMAT S.P.A. Civil Construction & Industrial Services

Via Fornaci 45/47, 25040 Artogne (BS)
Tel.: +39 0364 598881
Fax: +39 0364 598882